The present report is a continuation and deepening of the report "Electric roads - Electric road transport services" conducted in spring 2010. The report showed that there are major social and climate benefits if the heavy, roadbound, freight transports are electrified. These transports can not be electrified cost-effectively with the battery without requiring the supply of electrical energy while traveling.
The overall objective of the project is to contribute significantly to a fossil-independent transport sector in 2030. This requires the efficient use of society's resources, so the project's objective is to avoid conflicts with existing physical infrastructures and regulations, such as Interference in the roadway. The project is based on existing, freely available technology, and existing standards. Effective electrification means that certain road sections such as bridges, tunnels and traffic areas are not electrified. This requires an "active pantograph" that can be connected to and from the conduit during travel as well as handling curves and bumps. On non-electrified sections, the hybrid vehicle is powered by a battery or by a bio-driven combustion engine.
The project's goal has been to provide a recommendation and specification on an active pantograph (intelligent current collector) and overhead wiring for the purpose of electrifying heavy road vehicles. In addition to this, the project group has expanded its perspective and also provides a description of:
The present report shows that an active pantograph (intelligent current collector) in combination with traditional overhead wiring enables efficient electrification of parts of the Swedish road network. In addition, electric posts for battery-powered passenger cars can be integrated and provide quick charging at rest areas. It is possible, with existing technology, to design, produce and implement an active pantograph (intelligent current collector) for use with standardized overhead wiring technology in order to power heavy hybrid vehicles. An active pantograph enables hybrid vehicles to automatically handle non-electrified road sections such as highway, viaduct and tunnel tunnels. In addition, full electrical contact is guaranteed for side and height movements such as cornering and frost damages.
The report also shows:
The project group proposes that the following activities be carried out
The project group's hope is that these activities can be financed and commenced in 2012.